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great to see this get it's full release!! i remember playing the demo on gdgames. i absolutely adore this game, and i hope to see you making even more retro-style games like this in gdevelop!

p.s. if you get it on steam i'll buy it again :)

Thank you very much! I'm really glad you've enjoyed the game! I still have many ideas for games on GDevelop, most of them retro-style. I can't wait to start a new project. Thanks a lot for your support! 😄

(1 edit)

The game looks amazing! I tried the demo, and it looks fantastic and plays just like Mega Man. 

I tried to buy it to support you, but it wouldn't let me. It gets stuck when I try to pay with PayPal.

Thank you very much! 😄 Mega Man is one of my favorite games and was a huge inspiration for me to make this game. 

I think the problem with the payment was the currency I chose. But I've just changed it to US dollars, maybe it works now. Thank you so much for your support! 

Thank you, I have been able to buy it.

Good luck with the game and thank you very much for including my song in the intro.